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Why is the Modi government appearing weak? NDA 3.0 swearing in Astrological analysis

I asked a friend who was attending the swearing in to note the exact moment at which Narendra ModiJi took oath as the Prime Minister. Therefore I have the most accurate time for the swearing in of the NDA 3.0 government on 9 June 2024. TV transmissions are delayed, so those times are OK for a top level analysis, but not very good if you want to do deep dives like I do.

You may have read my blog before the 2024 general election results about how this time it'll not be the same style of ruler as the last. With the blessings of my Gurus I was absolutely correct about that. Now let's look at how this term will go.

Key topics we are looking at:

  1. Why is the government acting like it is weak?

  2. Will this weakness persist?

  3. Will Government complete its term?

  4. Will Narendra Modi retire at age 75?

Swearing in charts are a powerful tool to see the fate of the person's tenure. A land's fate is linked to the king's much like a person's is to that of the the spouce. Thus how this government will do is linked to the Muhurta of his swearing in. Here is the swearing in chart of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi:

Why is the government acting like its weak?

The PM took oath in exceptional Dhimanta Yoga with Lagna lord being 6th lord in 6th. Dhimanta means genius level intelligent. Mangal in 6th also destroys the enemy. So then what is happening? Why does this government, despite the numbers appears scared and pulls back on its decisions when confronted by the opposition?

The answer lies in a few significant factors.

  1. They are seeing a different picture and think they are vulnerable: The Bhāva chart shows us how we see the world, while Rāshi chart shows what is actually happening. Its one of the potent tools used by my tradition. In the Bhāva chart, there is Brihaspati in the sixth and Mangal moves to fifth. Jupiter in the sixth means the government thinks they don't have the aggression (that a malefic like mangal gives) it takes to beat the enemies, and instead they'll use wisdom. What makes it worse? In reality (Rāshi chart) Ju is shunya in digbal. Which means that the government's advisors are clueless! They're advising the leadership poorly.

    With second lord in sixth, the government will also think that the country is at the risk of running low on finances. This explains them bringing back the gold from abroad and taking a number of conservative steps.

  2. Ghatika Lagna is cursed: Ghatika Lagna is a special lagna revealed to us by Rishi Parasher. It indicates power. In the swearing in chart, it is in sixth house with Mangal and gets drishti of Rahu and Shani. This is a very bad combination as Vayu grahas will trigger Agni from Mangal and cause major damage. This curse got triggered in July 2024 and there'll be heightened conflicts till April 2025. Next time this happens will be in Jan 2028. During these times the rulers will appear powerless.

Will this weakness persist?

Currently this government is running a Shani Mahadasha. This will be followed by Budh Mahadasha. Shani lords 4th house which also represents opposition to the ruler (7th to 10th). Shani is svagrahi, so this means that the opposition will make its strength felt and the ruler will have lower confidence due to Shani drishti.

Budh lords 11th house (which governs foreign relations, PM's cabinet) and 8th house (which can indicate an end of the term for this government). 11th house also has Arudha Lagna, the image of the government. Since Budh is in its Maran Kārak sthān, it will not be able to discharge its duties well. So these areas can suffer. Also the communication can also suffer since Budh is naisargik kāraka for it. These signs indicate a disturbed period. What can help? Using Brihaspati, who is conjunct Budh with Surya and Shukra. A female advisor/minister's advice will be helpful in this period since Shukra is svarāshi and well placed.

This is followed by Lagnesha Katu's dasha. So the ride is bumpy till December 2025. 2026 will give us a very different outcome.

Looking at the Arudha, the government's reputation will suffer in the Jan - Feb 2025 time. It can be a time of fight for survival. Same circumstances will come in October 2027.

Will Government complete its term? - Will Narendra Modi retire at age 75?

What happens to this government has to be reflected in the chart of Bhārat. I don't trust the chart of Shri Narendra Modi that is available and used by many, so I will accept the risk of missing something and make the prediction on the basis of NDA 3.0 and Bhārat chart.

PM Modi will have a strong desire to resign in the 26 May 2027 to 18 June 2027 period. During this period, he will have just turned 75 years old. Rahu makes this sudden. Svarāsi Chandra makes sure this is an emotionally balanced decision. In Bhārat's chart also, this is a period where there is a strong chance of change in the ruler. Lagna gets malefic drishti from Shani, Rahu and Mangal. The kendra is excellent and full of benefics that aspect lagna. While they will certainly struggle, I do not see the government falling in this period.

Current thinking of the government

As far as the government is concerned, Lagna Lord Mangal is in fifth. So they are not sitting idle. 5th house is future planning. For Bhārata it also represents Rajya Sabha. Mangal represents Yudhh. The government is thinking of that. We work on what we see, so that's what the government is doing. To get an additional flavour, the government is running 7th house Vrishabha Narayana dasha. This makes them focus on international affairs and foreign spies within (explains ModiJi's current spate of travels to rather offbeat foreign countries). He anticipates a major global war (to be covered in a separate blog post) and is working to secure Bhārata. 10th lord Surya is in conjunction with three benefics. ModiJi will be fine and a fully functional leader. That is a comforting thought for any country.


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