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Why does Abusing Narendra Modi Actually Help Him Win: An Astrological Quick Take

More he's attacked more Narendra Modi will win
More he's abused more he conquers

Disclaimer: This is a quick take and not an in-depth analysis. There is one jyotisha chart of Narendra Modi available online, and I have used the same. I will give a disclaimer here that I found an explanation of what I have observed in this chart. If this isn't his real chart, I'll say I was lucky to have found this pattern.

Analysis: It has been a pattern that the opposition attacks Modi Ji with some slur, and that always seems to strengthen him. He was attacked with "maut ka saudagar" and it made him the PrimeMinister in 2014. In 2019 Rahul Gandhi came up with "chaukidar chor hai" and Modi won again. Recently Rahul Gandhi used the term "panauti" and Modi has just delivered 3 states against the odds. Like gold, more heat he's given, more he shines.

Patterns that repeat in life are always a manifestation of what the birth chart shows. This is guaranteed by prakriti. So I was very interested in studying why this is happening to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi's public jyotish chart

Narendra Modi's enemies represent 6th bhava, and their speech would be third from there, that is the 8th bhava.

The lord of this 8th house Me, is in the 11th house to his lagna, which is also the Arudha of the 8th bhåva, showing how it will manifest. This is also 3rd to his Arudha Lagna. This Me is severely combust and conjoins Ke. In the company of kroora and malefic, Budh will also act like that. This 3rd bhava will support Arudha Lagna via argala.

When his enemies will say harsh (Su) mindless (Ke) things, it will only enhance Narendra Modi's image and aid him.

This all is happening in house 2nd to his 10th and therefore aiding his career too.

Sum up: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's blessing is that his image and position improve when his enemies attack him with distasteful speech. The right way to fight him is to stop personal attacks against him!


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