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Relationship Astrology - Hritik Raushan's divorce

Venus sustains love. When Venus gets afflicted and then a time comes when the relationship is going through a tough daśā, it can lead to its demise.

Lets take a quick look at what led to Hritik and Suzanne's separation, which ultimately led to their divorce.

Hritik Roshan Relationship Astrology Divorce
Hritik Roshan Natal and Navamansha


There were rumours of Hritik romancing his co-stars. Lets examine that.

There are 2 hints for this. First his natal Venus is in Maran Karakā Sthān from his 10H (house of work) second, it is in the 6H (house of enemy) as seen from house of work. So work will lead to his relationship feeling dead, and turn his wife into his enemy!

Lots of karma related to relationships

Hritik has a retrograde Venus. This indicates that there is a lot of Karma related to relationships that he has to deal with in this life.

Afflicted Venus

Venus is placed with a Maran Kāraka and debilitated Jupiter. So good relationship advice is not available to Hritik, and when he does get it, he feels like he's dying. He's simply not going to take it.

When we look at relationships and life partners, we need to look at the D9 (Navamansha) chart. Here we can see that Ve is placed 12th to the Lagna, making that energy unavailable. To add to that Ve is in a terrible Pāpa kartari yoga between Rahu and a debilitated Mars. These are ominous signs making relationships weak as Venus is the Kāraka for relationships.


We can see that Ritik has been dealt some tought cards when it comes to relatinships. All it takes after this is a period of time that is not suitable and then truly bad outcomes can be seen.

In Hritik's chart the applicable Daśa is Ṣoḍaśottarī Daśā. In December 2013 Suzanne had had enough and moved out. At the time Hritik was running a Sa-Ju time. In the Navamānsha

  • This activates the Pápa Kartari on Ve

  • Sa lords the 8H which is one of the māraka for his first marriage (7H)

  • Sa aspects Rahu, the other lord of the same māraka as well as the A8 (Arudha of the māraka)

  • Ju sits in the other Māraka house (the lagna) with a debilitated Mangal. The only protection that came from this exalted Jupiter is that Hritik and Suzanne did this amicably and Ju as kāraka for children was able to protect them from the ugliness of celebrity divorces.

  • Sa aspects the 11H, which is also the house that leads to the change of residence of Hritik's wife (being 8th from 4H - her then residence)

Thus we can see that both the circumstances as well as some bad luck with timing can lead to disasterous results for a relationship. Could this have been avoided? The short answer is Yes. It definitely would have been a good idea for the couple to visit a relationship astrology specialist before taking the decision. The poorly placed Ju in lagna prevented this.


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