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Politics, election astrology. Case study on how Kamala Harris got the ticket and won the election?

Astrology election ticket victory
US Vice President Kamala Harris

There are a few key elements needed to winning an election. In my experience of having worked on successful electoral campaigns the key ones are:

  1. Getting the right mentorship from within a party

  2. Getting a ticket to contest

  3. Being liked by the masses

  4. Having the energy to defeat opponents

  5. Other blessings ensuring the timing

For grand success one needs to have planetary combinations blessing all of the above. To demonstrate the concepts of political and election astrology, I am taking up the case of American Vice President Kamala Harris here. Her political journey is among many other things a story of unexpected good turns and support from people when it mattered.

I have taken up her case study because there are both obvious hints as well as those that only deeply trained jyotishis will pick up in her chart. This makes it a beautiful case study for how to differentiate between moderate political success and exceptional success.

Birth Chart of Kamala Harris
Birth Chart (D1) of Kamala Harris
Career Chart (D10) of Kamala Harris
Career Chart (D10) of Kamala Harris

The Right Mentor

She was picked and mentored by a senior politician to become the San Francisco District Attourney. That clearly comes across as a retrograde Saturn which has a drishti (aspect) of an exalted Rahu. Rahu and Saturn also lord the 9th House (house of mentorship).

Getting a ticket

There are many senior leaders backing their own favourites. In some cases getting the ticket almost guarantees a win. Therefore getting chosen to contest is almost as important as contesting and winning the election. Astrologically what does getting a ticket mean? It means that public will know you are contesting. In Kamal's case A6 (Arudha of the 6th House - which is the house of competing. Her A6 is in her 10th House, which is the house for career) as well as Ghatika Lagna get Rashi Drishti of Rahu. Rahu represents politicians in the Kaliyuga. Kamala's A10 (the Arudha of the 10th house - public image of her career) mas Ma-Mo exchange in it. This means public also sees her as someone who fights for them. She did this as a DA. This public image also helped her secure her candidature as people would expect her to continue to do this as a political leader.

Support of the masses

Kamala's Arudha Lagna (AL - manifested image) has Saturn (which represents the downtrodden masses) in it. It also gets a Rashi drishti from Moon (overall masses) and Sun (top level political leaders). This Sun is actually what got the Presidential nominee Joe Biden to pick her as Vice Presidential running mate despite her not doing well in the primaries. Rahu's drishti on AL means that this will happen unexpectedly. If we look back, Biden didn't want to pick her and initially resisted. But due to pressure from his team (Mars) as well as her representing downtrodden masses (Black community in the USA) she got picked.

Defeating the opponent

Kamal's Ghatika Lagna get Rashi Drishti of Rahu. Ghatika Lagna gives fame. In this case the fame has Rahu quality to it, so that brings in the political aspect to her fame. The 6th House lord is Mangal who is in an exchange with Moon (representing the public). This Mangal gives Rashi drishti to the 6th House. She has the knowledge about how to compete because of this. This combination of someone who is going to get political fame as well as knowledge of fighting opponents is fantastic for contesting elections.

Blessings built into her chart

For those interested in Technical aspects of Jyotisha, there are a few top level things to note which give the first clues about potential for strong political success.

  1. Exalted yogakāraka Rahu in Lagna in rashi (D1) as well as daśāmsha (D10). This means Rahu's exalted energy is available in overall life, but especially in career.

  2. Su conjunct with yogakāraka Mercury in rashi

  3. Sa in rashi 9th house (Bhāgya - fortune) and Sa as yogakāraka in daśāmsha (D10).

  4. Across Varga charts there are many exchanges involving benefic planets (how many can you find?). This means that overall benefiscence is higher in a higher number of houses in her chart as compared to an average chart.


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