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Analysis of reasons behind iPhone's success - Business Astrology

iPhone Astrology Jyotish Product launch
iPhone 1

iPhone astrological analysis
Launch time chart of the iPhone

I have owned an iPhone ever since it was launched. In the initial days when it was carrier locked, I remember getting a hack called the Turbo-sim mailed from Hong Kong to make the iPhone work with the Indian mobile phone carriers. At the same time I would ask friends coming from abroad to get me an iPhone. It cost almost 3 times what the other phones cost, but was so far ahead of the times that it was no hesitation blowing a month's salary to get one. So it is fitting that I write my first blog post on my website analysing the iPhone. I also want to demonstrate here that Jyotisha is a science not restricted to humans and their lives, but also applies equally to anything that is created, for human creation is also human karma. And any karmik act can by analysed with jyotisha tools. This makes Business Astrology a potent scientific tool.

So with the blessings of my gurus, lets begin to look at reasons behind iPhone's success.


Upon launch the iPhone was a wild success. It had many never seen before features. The company spearheaded by Steve Jobs had been very successful at generating mystique while at the same time keeping the actual product a secret. The iPhone has dominated smartphone market since launch every single year. This relentless success makes me confident that there will be clear multiple factors indicating this.

Business Astrology Perspective:

I will look at 2 things:

  1. The birth time, which will give us clues about the nature of arrival into the world.

  2. Its Arudha Lagna, for the success of a public product is linked to its public image. Coincidentally The Arudha Lagna (AL) of iPhone is in the 10H. Which means that its career is linked to its public image. Again multiple obvious factors in the play. Note: Arudha Lagna can be seen as the image of the subject of evaluation. In this case, the iPhone.


iPhone when launched shocked the world. It had been in secret development and the public had absolutely no clue about what it was going to be like. 8th House (8H) represents what is hidden, and it's co-lord Rahu (who also is the Lagna co lord) sits in the Lagna (which represents the personality/nature). The other Lagna lord Saturn conjoins Ketu. Rahu (Ra) is an indication of smoke that we can't see clearly through. Ketu is the naisargika(natural) lord of 8H and what is hidden. The other 8H lord Me sits with the other nairasgika 8H lord Mangal (Mars).

Apple PR machinary was able to keep the secret from the public - the Moon in 8H shows that.

This was the ultimate combination of mystery and secrecy. And that is what resulted in the shock and awe reaction of the public. Classic Ra in Lagna.

Richie Rich: Jupiter links AL (which it conjoins) with Hora Lagna (HL - signifies where Devi will give money) by driśti (sight) and by being HL's dispositor. It also gives a Dhana yoga by being the lord of the 11H and 2H. This means that the iPhone has potential to make tremendous wealth.


iPhone was launched in the Sun-Mercury Daśā. They are conjoined in 11H and give Lābhargala to Lagna and Dhanargala to Arudha Lagna (AL).

Sun daśā is followed by Moon (2008-2018) which gives Lābhargala to AL as well as Lagna.

Mangala (2018-2025) follows Moon and the effects will be by and large the same as that in Sun.

Rahu daśā is next (2025-2043). AL gets sukhargala from Rahu. Here the sales are likely to come from foreign lands (Rahu indicates foreigners).

So we can see that at least for the time till 2043 the Macro trend is good for the iPhone's career. There might be hiccps in antardaśās, but we are looking at the overall trend here).

Additoinal observations:

From day 1 the iPhone has been famously made in China - a foreign land. 4H lord Ve in 12H indocates that. The factory has suicide prevention nets for the labour that assembles them. A Maran Kāraka sthān 6H (servants) Lord in 8H (hidden) shows that. Lābhargala (11H argala) to Arudha Lagna shows that this helps Apple make money, though coming from the 8H it does damage its reputation. Even when the production is shifting out of China, it is staying abroad and moving to other countries. Apple will not give up this labour exploitation advantage anytime soon.

Sum up:

The iPhone has a fantastic chart and is likely to continue its dominance over the next 2 decades at the very least.


As of writing this blog post the author has never owned the stock of Apple or any of its vendors. This blog is educational and is not an advisory to make any investment decisions.


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