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Chandrayan 3 success prediction using Vedic Astrology

Chandrayaan 3 Astrology Jyotish
Chandrayaan 3 and Vikram Lander

The launch time of an effort contains within it the key to its success. The same principles I applied to the analysis of launch of the iPhone can be applied to Chandrayaan 3.

When Chandrayan 3 was launched I made a prediction basis its launch time. The original tweet from launch date on 14th July 2023 can be found here. To confirm, I followed this up with an analysis of India's fortunes for this year and correlated that with Chandrayaan 3's potential landing time. The tweet for this, done hours before landing time on 23rd August 2023 can be found here.

Launch Analysis

This is the chart for #Chandrayaan3Launch -… Few thoughts and observations : 1. The lord of 9H is Me, the fastest moving planet. It's in the Pusya nakshatra which is great for travels and journeys (yāna). 2. Mo-Me Vimshottari dasha. Though Mo is in Maran Kārak Sthāna in 8H, it is exalted and the dispositor of Me. It's also conjunct with Ghatika Lagna. Also 8H is the bhāva for deep research and this project fits the profile. 3. Ke is in lagna and this is a fairly technical activity as well as that which explores the unknown. Great location for Ketu. 4. If we consider Chandrayaan 2 as elder brother of this one, it was launched in Mo-Ju. Ju is conjunct with Ra who lords both māraka houses of 11H. (I have marked that event on the chart). 5. The lunar landing date is in Mo-Me Vimshottari and Cn-Ta Sudasha. These look good for Ghatika Lagna. I am assuming here that good fame will be an outcome of a successful effort. 6. Applicable Vimshottari dasa as per Moon placement is Adhāna tāra. In that case Moon landing date falls in Ve-Sa. While this supports the objectives of lagna, Ve also lords māraka of 7H. The thought to be considered here is wether the lander is a partner of the rocket, or child. In the former case, there might be some issues during the landing. This is a simplistic analysis and I hope my optimism doesn't cloud my judgement, but this attempt looks like it has a decent chance of success.

India's analysis and tying in with Chandrayaan 3 landing

#Chandrayaan3Landing In India's Tithi pravesh chart for 2023, today looks good. While astrologers can make mistakes (and my optimism can definitely cloud my judgement), I think we'll make it. For those interested, India is running a Su-Ju. Su conjoins Arudha Lagna (reputaion) and Ghatika Lagna (fame and power), is decently placed. Lord of long journeys Ve is there too (though combunsted by Sun), but in Moon's house (how cool is that!). Dasha planets give Argala to the Lagna. Good timing for arrival! Everyone, pray to the Sun lord, the great Aditya! May he bless this land of seekers! ॐ आदित्याय नमः


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