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Astrological Analysis of India's Birth circumstances

India's birth as an independent nation is a fascinating subject for astrological analysis purely from a birth circumstances point of view. There are innumerable articles and analysis on the midnight birth of India and why it happened. I would like to point out to the reader that this specific time was chosen within the boundaries of the date selected by Jawaharlal Nehru without consulting any jyotishi for a proper muhurata. The resultant event was one of the most traumatic that Mother India has faced in the past century.

Rishi Parāshara has laid emphasis on birth circumstances, devoting a specific section on the subject. India is not a human, principles of astrology are equally relevant. It is rare that the exact time of the birth of a nation is known, so we should try to benefit from this opportunity.

Night Birth and Planetary Positions

India gained independence during the night, with Saturn as the father figure and Moon as the mother. This nighttime birth sets the stage for a unique national character. In night birth, father is represented by Sa. India's policies have largely been about the poor masses. It is not large business interests that choose the government, but it is by addressing the concerns of the masses that India chooses its leader (father). On multiple occasions a man has risen from nowhere and become the leader (Lal Bahadur Shastri, PV Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh, Narendra Modi). This Sa is in conjunction with Su. So when there have been occasions that some royal has become the father (Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi), they too have done so on the back of promise of alleviating poverty (Su-Sa-Mo-Ve). It is only recently that a Prime Minister who speaks of business too has come to power (Sa-Me-Mo).

Rising Sign and Geographical Implications

  1. The horoscope indicates a "head rising" position, which correlates with the fact that much of northern India (including Pakistan) gained independence first. Pakistan got their independence a day earlier than India.

  2. Ketu, being the stronger planet in the Kendra (Ascendant), lends a spiritual and transformative quality to India's national character. India has aligned with Communists, been non-aligned, and then partnered with the Capitalists in its journey.

Moon's Position and the dismemberment of Ma Bhaarati (mother India)

  1. The Moon, representing the mother, is accompanied by Saturn and Sun. This configuration suggests that the "mother" (India) experienced pain during the birth process. Saturn (representing the West) and Sun (representing the East) caused this pain, symbolizing the partition and its aftermath. In the Navamansha chart, Ketu joins the Moon in the sixth house, further indicating the severing of parts from the whole. When this combination manifests in a human birth chart, we can confidently conclude that the birth was a caesarean birth where the mother was cut-open to get the baby out. This placement confirms trauma to the motherland and the division of India into pieces.

    Notably, in mundane astrology, Ketu represents non-Hindu faiths. Adding another layer of significance to the partition along religious lines.

Rahu's Influence -physical deformities and difficulties at birth

  1. India has Rahu in the Lagna in natal chart with Rahu aspect on the Lagna in Navamansha. Shastras say this signifies an abnormal birth situation such as one where the child cannot come out. Ra has caused a sudden stoppage. This is the type of difficult human birth that might require forceps which mis-shape the baby's head. India's "head" was metaphorically deformed at independence when a part of Kashmir was occupied by Pakistan using a proxy (Rahu) force.

    This also manifested as fears of the new nation falling apart (Rahu drishti on Arudha Lagna).

India's Global Importance

  1. The soul of India is royal, represented by the Ātmakāraka (soul significator) Sun in the Lagna in Navamansha. My guru has taught that this indicates birth into an important or royal family. This astrological placement underscores India's significance on the world stage.

The Excluded Influence

  1. Placed in the seventh house, Ketu stands out as the only adrishta (invisible) planet, symbolically kept outside the room during India's birth. This interestingly correlates with Nehru's insistence to exclude astrologers from planning the independence event and its timing, while the process of independence was otherwise fairly consultative.

Challenges Foreseen

  1. All three malefic planets aspect the 6th house, reflecting the world's perception of India's initial challenges: confusion (Rahu), bloodshed (Mars), and poverty.

  2. Malefics only occupy both Kendras (natal and Navamansha), suggesting significant obstacles in India's journey.

  3. In mundane astrology, Rahu represents riots, while Ketu signifies strife. With the Lagna in the Rahu-Ketu axis, these factors are destined to play key roles in India's story. Additionally, Rahu as the 10th lord in mundane astrology suggests that the Prime Minister will remain a crucial figure in India's governance, unlike some countries where the PM's role is less central.

The Significant Third House: Neighbors and Integration Efforts

A notable feature of India's birth chart is the concentration of planets in the third house. This house is important because (in no order of importance):

  1. It has five planets in it

  2. It is Chandra lagna

  3. It is Surya lagna

  4. It has lagna lord in it

This house thus becomes particularly significant when we combine birth circumstances with mundane astrological aspects. In mundane astrology, the third house represents neighboring states, and the planetary placements here offer fascinating insights into India's post-independence challenges and efforts.

The planets in the third house and their mundane representations are as follows:

  • Saturn: Represents the West

  • Venus: Represents the Southeast

  • Sun: Represents the East

  • Moon: Represents the Northwest

  • Mercury: Represents the North

This planetary congregation in the third house signifies that a significant effort was expended post-independence in keeping neighboring states and princely states as part of India. Let's examine how this played out in different regions:

  1. West (Saturn): The integration of Junagadh, a princely state that initially acceded to Pakistan, was a major concern.

  2. Southeast (Venus): The annexation of Hyderabad, which had initially declared independence, was a crucial challenge.

  3. East (Sun): This region faced complexities with Bengal, Assam, and the far eastern states, requiring careful handling to ensure their integration into the Indian Union.

  4. Northwest (Moon): The principalities of Rajasthan needed to be brought into the fold of the new nation.

  5. North (Mercury): This area saw challenges with Kashmir and small principalities in Himachal Pradesh, requiring diplomatic and sometimes military efforts for integration.

The concentration of planets in the third house thus astrologically mirrors the immense diplomatic, political, and sometimes military efforts that were required to shape the modern Indian state. It underscores the complex task faced by India's leaders in the immediate post-independence period to consolidate the nation's boundaries and create a unified country from a mosaic of princely states and diverse regions.

Additional - Constitutional Adoption and Secularism

India entered its Saturn-Saturn Vimshottari dashā at birth. When it officially adopted its constitution on January 26, 1950, becoming a republic, it was in a Saturn-Mercury dasha. Mercury rules India's Arudha Lagna (AL), with Saturn and four other planets including Mercury giving 11th house aspect to the image. This celestial configuration coincided with India's emergence as a secular state, contrasting with the religiously-defined countries forming around it (Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Israel).

The influence of Saturn on Mercury, the AL lord, is reflected in the time-consuming process of creating India's constitution, which drew ideas from various sources, resulting in a unique blend of principles.

Future Implications

In mundane astrology, Rahu represents riots, while Ketu signifies strife. With the Lagna in the Rahu-Ketu axis, these factors are destined to play key roles in India's story. Additionally, Rahu as the 10th lord in mundane astrology suggests that the Prime Minister will remain a crucial figure in India's governance, unlike some countries where the PM's role is less central.


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