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"Abhimanyu Jyotisha seekho, astrology nahi"

words of GuruJi, Shri Sanjay Rath

He has the capability to say a lot by using very few words.

My Jyotisha Journey

The above quoted words, said in a moment when I needed guidance in life have stayed with me. For me Jyotisha started as a desire to learn about why I returned 1 million US$ to the VCs 2 days after raising them. A freak exchange on Facebook led me to learn that my batchmate from IIT Delhi and my eventual 1st teacher Hemant Kathuria had become an astrologer. In a cafe outside the campus he took me through an excellent primer on Astrology 101. Looking back it was the first ever lesson in Jyotisha that I got.

That led to me joining the first batch that Hemant taught. He was generous with his time and provided motivation and foundation for me to be able to join the Science of Light program taught by the amazing Freedom Cole Ji. If the course with Hemant gave me a solid first principles foundation, Science of light gave me a wide range of tools and techniques to use. 

Freedom Guruji has authored two incredible books for those who are either learning or practicing Parashari Vedic Jyotish. I highly recommend having them both on any astrologer's bookshelf.

Jupiter continued to shower blessings and I found myself enrolled in the PJC course. This is a 5 year program conducted by Devaguru Brihaspati Center run by Paramguruji Sanjay Rath. Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). He has authored multiple books on Jyotisha and as a guru has produced many incredible jyotisha who have gone on to bring great honour to the paramparā.

I have been blessed to have been accepted by great teachers at the right juncture in my jyotisha journey.

Prior to jyotisha, I have been through the proverbial school of hard knocks. I have a B.Tech and M.Tech in Biotechnology from IIT Delhi. Post that, exposure to the world of business, restoring classic cars, glamour, politics and public policy has helped me develop insights into how jyotisha works with the sample principles in an age which is many millenia away from when Rishi Parashara expounded the Hora Shastra to his disciple Maitreya.

I am excited to apply jyotisha to the questions we face in the domains of work, relationships, politics and other travails of life in the current times.

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