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वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्।
बृहस्पतिं वरेण्यम्।।

Night Sky with Stars

नमः ते (Namaste)

My name is Abhimanyu Singh Rana

An IIT Delhi Graduate who has worked in consulting, run bars, SAAS products, raised VC capital & run electoral campaigns. My desire towards understanding my own unique journey led me to the path of learning the Science of Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology).

Even though we learn the principles of Jyotisha from scriptures that are thousands of years old, these principles are still applicable to the current times.

I thank my gurus for showing me how. With the grace and teachings of my gurus, I mix my understanding of startups, entrepreneurship, success, failure & politics with knowledge of Jyotisha to try and help others navigate the challenges of modern life.

My journey into Jyotisha

Jyotisha Consultation

The experiences we have in our lives are an outcome of decisions we take in the situations we face. These situations themselves are a result of our Prārabdha karma.

What is Prārabdha karma?

It is karma whose fruits are to manifest in our current life. Imagine a stockpile of karma of all types - good and bad that we have collected over several lives. From this massive load (also called Sanchit karma), some karma is picked for us to deal with in our current lives. This current allocation is called Prārabdha karma

Life can't be lived without doing karma. Some if this gets added to the stockpile, while some of it gets added to the amount we will experience in this life.

It is this second load that opens up the gates for remedial measures. This is an incredible opportunity given by narāyana. What incredible design!

The science of Jyotisha can help explain why you are going through certain experiences in your life and provides remedies to help best cope with those experiences.

So we get 2 objectives of a jyotisha consultation:

  1. Understanding how our prior karma is creating situations for us

  2. Dealing with those situations in most effective way possible

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